Hero 5 Info 

Buying a drone sounds like the coolest thing you can do with your free time, and it is, but it isn't easy to just pick one up off of the shelf. Drones are a hobbyist activity and you really need to know what you are doing in order to get the most out of the experience. Whether you want to fly your drone just to admire the aerial acrobatics or you want to use a GoPro drone to film, shoot pictures, and show off your skills...the choice is yours, but you need to be prepared. Fortunately we have a few tips to help you pick your drone.

Drones like the Hero 5

So if you want to get a drone then you need to know first off that they aren't all made the same. The hero 5, for example, is a top quality drone that you can learn to easily fly while utilizing the GoPro attachment function. Not all drones are as easy to utilize. In fact, the more you spend the LESS easy to fly the drone will be. The reason for this is that the hobby itself is rather specialized, meaning that as you go up in tiers of difficulty, you are adding more and more advanced parts to your flying.

Once you've decided on your GoPro capable drone you need to get out there and really experiment with the machine. It won't be easy to fly the first time and this will probably make you a little hesitant. Hook up with another drone enthusiast and have them walk you through the steps in order to make sure that your experience is a good one.